Friday, May 30, 2014


Missed it just as I missed a brother's birthday and a wedding anniversary! One of my sisters reminded me the number of birthdays and other family events which used to be celebrated by our family the last week of May: three birthdays for people who have passed away since then.  Sometimes missing helps jog memories such as how disappointed my nurse aunt was not to be present at a great nephew's birth in May because she had been away at another wedding out of state.  That birth was the first one she had missed in over twenty years.

Missed and remembering those who helped make great memories and those who are still helping make memories.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lists to remember

Finish blogger with links and lists of blogs.
    Topics for different days
Finish material for children's library as car as can go
    Annotate some
     Identify Scripture passages
     Spell check
New crochet to do after chain gang meeting
   Probably striped afghan and caps
    Work on sampler
    Bavarian crochet
Items to write beyond blogging

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Archives and yesterday

Just a thought.  If anyone in your family told or wrote down stories about a war experience and it isn't formally published, check with your State historical archive about donating a copy to them.  Future historians will thank you.
If you aren't sure what an archive is, look here:

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Tribute

It's not often the first video in a search yields such a powerful tribute. It's  a little over 8 minutes but worth watching all of it.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A bookend post

Here's to all the social media sites, which have been incredibly useful throughout the years.  From Google+ to Skype, Twitter to Facebook, and Pinterest and YouTube.  While you may track some of my --ok all--I may be posting, you've helped me connect and reconnect with people and ideas in so many ways.  I've benefited from expertise which would have been scorned by publishers, and in turn been the "expert" at times to answer questions.
At incredibly difficult moments people have prayed with me and have opened themselves to letting us pray with them.  I've laughed at funny videos and stories, oohed and ahead over new babies and important moments.  For all these and so much more, thanks for the memories.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dear Spam rant

When. I started using email, you were only invading my phones and mailboxes.  I was forced to go to voicemail and shredders to combat your egregious use of my privacy.  Now you've not moly discovered my email accounts, you've REALLY discovered them.  I will have to shell out money somewhere somehow to attempt to block a bit of it. Shame on those sites who feel they must sell email subscriptions to be viable!
So, No I don't want to be your soulmate, help you by sending you money to get money out and I resent your poking your fingers through my stuff, looking for items you think I want.
 I will continue to be as vigilant as possible even if they only temporarily do the job.  The image of a fisherman with a net comes to mind as I change passwords, email accounts, and delete, trash, report spam.
One day I really pray you will become a memory!

Friday, May 23, 2014

First Thought

Hello again.
Last December I officially "ceased" publication of my work related blogs. They had been limping along for a few years anyway.  Since then I have been thinking about a new life-related blog.
stumbling block was crafting a name which wasn't too similar to another blog out there.

Several titles occurred to me. Laundry lists, mundane ragtags, magpie mob, and so on.  All of them seemed to retrieve searches from commercial sites or other people.  Now, I don't mind this serendipity sometimes.  Who hasn't enjoyed finding Ellis Peters books when looking for Elizabeth Peters?

My purpose here is to be more open to all those blogs I wanted to post in my others but felt the stated goal restricted me. 

Anyway a poem by George Herbert, " Sin's Round" reminded me of the connection between thoughts and actions. 
Today, our thoughts and actions are more under scrutiny by the public rather than for personal reflection and repentance. 

Here are a few more words about what to expect before this post gets away from me.  It will be published at least once a day if at all possible and the  posts may be one sentence, links, lists, in short,  anything I remember or am currently thinking about.  World shaking?  hardly.  I don't propose to be a Mt Etna or the Tower of Babel as Herbert describes.  I do propose to find something sometimes which strikes a spark of thought or memory in you. 

Welcome to the first memory.