I'm starting a new--to me-- kind of post. Sometimes it will be reading, other times listening.
I an reading or have read the following titles in the last few days:
Sanderson, Brandon Words of Radiance -- The second book in a 10 book series. I'm still trying to determine the overaching theme, although it seems to be determinism versus free will. The authorhas a gift for developing cultures and worlds which I enjoy. The problem with this book and the rest is that is has just started, and the reader will have to wait a long time before reaching book 10 if ever.
Spencer-Fleming, Julia Through the Evil Days. This mystery continues the story of Episcopal Priest, Clare Fergusson and Miller Kills Police Chief Russ VanAlstyne. Very enjoyable story because of it includes Christianity within the framework of the plot and has contemporary feel about the kinds of crime which occurs in small towns throughout the United States. If I say any more, I'll spoil the plot.
Tamora Pierce The Immortals. A work classified as young adult because the main characters are in their teens, although this seems to have many characters from previous works. While I have a hard time accepting some of the so-called magic in the plot, her series have enough suspense and misdirection to make me keep turning the page to see what happens next.
Marr, Melissa & Tim Pratt. Eds. Rags and Bones: New Twists on Timeless tales. Haven't started this yet because it was buried. 18 stories using older myths and folktales as their base.
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